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Ketep Pass and Another Merapi Story

Friday, September 11, 2015

It has been a long time since my previous story I posted here, basically because I had so few vacations. I just had finished my thesis for almost a year of working and observing, so I barely had free time to travel. So perhaps my posts for next couple weeks would be only a way far throwback, if only I found some pictures in my disk lol.

Anyway, last Eid I did a very short visit to one of my favourite place, Ketep Pass, that is so close to my grandma’s house in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. It is located on the slope of Merapi Mountain so it usually fresh and calming and cold. BUT NOT THAT DAY.

I was lost in Makkah, It Was Beyond Amazing!


Read the English version + more pictures >> Here

Sebenernya udah pernah cerita ni di blog sebelah, itu di link atas. Tapi gara-gara kemaren habis baca berita ada anggota rombongan yang ketinggalan terus ngilang, kesasar, aku jadi kepikiran buat nulis ulang pengalaman yang sama: ilang ketinggalan rombongan, di Makkah, yang biar aku bisa dikit-dikit bahasa inggris dan berani tanya cablak sana-sini, masalahnya MEREKA NGOMONGNYA ARAB GA BISA BAHASA INGGRIS!

To note: mintalah kartu nama hotelnya, atau nomer telfon siapa aja yg bisa dihubungi disana. Just in case. Ato buat kenang-kenangan/souvenir aja juga boleh.

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